Find Information:

Pebble GO

PebbleGO and PebbleGO NEXT are elementary research databases with information about topics our students study throughout elementary school.  The articles included are leveled appropriately for elementary researchers and even have built in read-to-me features for every page.

Destiny Collections

Destiny Collections is a part of Destiny Discover where we are able to build a bank of resources on different curricular topics to guide our students when practicing inquiry and research skills during school projects.

Badgerlink Sites

Badgerlink is a resource provided by the WI Department of Public Instruction (DPI) for all students to have access to relevant and reliable materials for research and inquiry.  These are the elementary-level resources available for our students to use when researching topics.

Innovative early learning resource for students in Grades K-2

Encyclopedia articles with images, interactive maps, games, and other learning materials for elementary school students and educators.

The search interface for EBSCO's elementary school resources.  For elementary school students and educators.

Full-text magazines for elementary school students.

Encyclopedia for students and adults.