Preparing for Learning at Home

So your child is now learning remotely every school day or maybe they're going a couple days and remotely the others. What now? If you have no idea where to start or if you have some things going but would like some other ideas, we're going to start from the beginning. You may find some things to beef up your existing routine or this may give you a place to start building one for your family.

The Learning Space

  • Pick a spot. Ideally this spot would be specifically for remote learning. Think about it like their home-classroom.

  • Work with your child to create it. What should it include? How can it be decorated? How will materials be organized? Let them make it their own space that they feel will support their learning.

  • Make sure there's a good internet connection!

The Daily Routine

  • Develop daily routines

  • Awaken at the same time each day

  • Get Dressed

  • Have Breakfast

  • Get Enough Sleep and Exercise

  • Wake up at the same time each day and stick to a routine whether you're learning at home or at school.

  • Create a schedule and make it visual. It can be a written list or with pictures (doodles work too!)

#remotelearning (7).pdf

Here's a handy checklist for your fridge to help you get your child ready for remote learning.


Picture Schedule

Daily schedule with to-do list and goals.pdf

Written schedule template

Color-coded picture schedule

(in School Closure Toolkit from Easter Seals)

No-tech schedule (written or doodled)

Set Expectations and Reinforce Expected Behavior

  • Your child's teacher will have expectations for participating in Google Meetings, work completion, and other components of remote learning. Make sure to review and reinforce those with your child! Posting the expectations as part of the Learning Space is always a good idea.

  • You may have additional expectations for you child. Check out the tips under Behavior Strategies for ways to set expectations and use positive reinforcement.