Philo Junior High Art


Art has many definitions. It means different things to different people. I define Art as:

  • "The documentation and the perpetuation of a shared culture that culminates as one of highest expressions of the human experience. "

  • Documentation is the process of classifying and providing information that serves as a record. Perpetuation is the continuation or preservation of an idea or concept. Culture is the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements shared by a particular nation, people, or other social group. When something Culminates, it has reached point of highest development.

  • So Art is a record of the continual development of human culture and is the highest form of human expression.

Each of your Art Classes will be utilizing Google Classroom. You will be required to submit all your completed work as photos to the Classroom. Please refer to the in class documentation to know what Google Classroom you should join. This should be an interesting and informative quarter. Remember to try your best!

Mr. Turner

Click on the link below for the Classroom Syllabus.

Classroom Syllabus

Classoom Expectations

1. Respect your teacher, yourself, classmates & classroom.

2. Listen & Follow directions.



1st Violation- Verbal Warning

2nd Violation- Discipline Slip

3rd Violation- Lunch Detention or Office Referral

Google Classroom

As mentioned in the About section, we will be utilizing Google Classroom to share information, go over lessons, and submit work.

You are required to join the Google class that corresponds with you scheduled art class.

Your Class Code will be provided to you on the first day class.

Art Class Timeline

Bell- Come in, collect folder, and sit in assigned seat.

First 5- Work on the drawing prompt written on the board.

Middle- Work on the assignment.

Last 10- Clean up supplies, put away folders, sit quietly.

Bell- Push in chairs, walk out.

Grading Criteria

Understanding- How well the work reflects the project’s goal(s).

Requirements- How well the work meets the provided requirements.

Craftsmanship- The effort put into creating and the quality of the final product.




The majority of your grade will be made up of the portfolio. Your portfolio will be the culmination of all the art projects. They will each be tallied together the end of the quarter. You will be required to submit a photograph of your completed work to the Google Classroom.

Below are the steps you must do in order to submit your work for grading, when you have completed an assignment.

1. Fill out the Self-Reflection by following the link in the Google Classroom

2. Take a Photograph your artwork with iPad

3. Submit your photograph your artwork to the assignment in the Google Classroom.

Filling out the Self-Reflection

Filling out the self-assessment is a way for you to reflect on the work you have done. On the provided assignment paper, you will find the assignment name and goal(s). Next you will grade yourself using the three categories listed on the syllabus and the above Rubric. Finally, you will answer a series of questions about your work. This will be demonstrated this in class.

Take a photograph Your Artwork with iPad

Using your iPad’s camera, carefully fill the entire frame with your artwork.

Contact and About Me


Phone Numbers

Philo Junior High- (740) 674-5210 ext. 2306



About Me

Hello, I am Mr. Turner. Over the last five years I have had the pleasure of teaching Visual Art to all children in grades K-9 at Roseville Elementary, Philo Junior High and the Franklin Local Community School. The 2022-23 school year will mark my first year here at PJH in a full-time capacity, so to many of you, I am a familiar face. I want to extend to you and your child my warmest welcome into my classroom. I am very excited about working with your child!

This is my fifth year teaching with Franklin Local, prior to that I taught for four years with ECOT (Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow.) I am a graduate of Muskingum University. I am married and have a son.

In the Overview section, you can find my definition of Art. This definition of art guides my belief that is best expressed by the following quote:

All children are born artists, the problem is to remain an artist as we grow up.” — Pablo Picasso.

Another quotes that guides my life is:

"Wonder is the desire for knowledge." — Thomas Aquinas