Abernethy Math

Virtual Homeroom

Please go to your child's Google Classroom. Touch the 3 lines in the top left hand corner and press classes. Up comes all of your child's classes. Press on Abernethy Math.

A TO DO LIST is posted everyday with the date, so your child knows what to do each day. Touch on the post with the To Do LIst and you will now see the whole message. There are attachments to this list to help them know what handouts, their login info for a program, videos of me, and sometimes a quiz or a test.

A Google Meeting is posted with the date and time for your child, everyday.

There are assignments posted with due dates. They complete an assignment, take a photo of it, and then attach that photo to the assignment and send it to me. It tells them if they have sent it to me or not.

Part of your child's grade is getting on Reflex Math and Moby Max (for math) everyday. Please help them by setting a timer for them.