Hydration & Nutrition


In order for athletes to perform at their best, they need to fuel their bodies with the proper foods and nutrients.  

Here are links and resources: 


Hydration is key in athlete performance! It is something most people can control, therefore athletes should always do their very best to be properly hydrated before, during, and after athletic activities. 

Here are some Ms. Nelson approved hydration drinks and supplements: 

Below are recommendations on how athletes should hydrate: 

Before Exercise: All athletes should start their exercise well hydrated. Athletes should drink 16-24 fl.oz. of water within the 2 hours prior to training. At 10- 20 minutes prior to exercise consume another 7-10 fl.oz. of water. 

During Exercise: All athletes should consume approximately 6-12 fl.oz. every 10-20 minutes throughout their training. Drink beyond your thirst! 

After Exercise: It is recommended for athletes to record their weight before and after training. This is especially true in hot & humid conditions, in extreme cold weather training, for individuals with a high sweat rate, as well as high altitude. These variables can increase one’s rate of water loss during training. 

Athletes should replace every 1 pound loss in weight with 16-24 fl.oz. of water. The total fluid consumed should be within 2 hours post-training, however fully consumed within 6 hours.