Access thousands of up-to-date, curated, and curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools, recommended Web sites, and three separate encyclopedias.  It's the best place to start a search for reliable, factual information in a reading level best for you. 

Click on the "Your Britannica Resources" tab and read in Spanish. 

MLA format is a breeze when you cite your sources using this database's guidance.

Part of the TexQuest  databases, Gale provides a premium selection of reference material online including:  Info Trac Newsstand, Student Resources in Context, Artemis Literary Sources, Opposing Viewpoints in Context, General OneFile, Academic OneFile, GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources), Health and Wellness Resource Center and Alternative Health Module, Informe Academico, Educator's Reference Complete, and more.  Click on the link for a brief summary of each database (after logging in.) 

Save time and avoid the hassle of scouring the Internet for videos or other content to enhance lessons. Use Learn360, a vetted, easy-to-use media library that is correlated to standards, organized for educators, and full of K–12 content from the industry’s top producers.  

Learn360 includes a wide range of content and features that make it a powerful tool for flipped classrooms, blended instruction, project-based learning, and 1:1 environments. 

This database makes citing works for research papers as easy as pressing a button in APA, MLA, Turabian, and Chicago Manual of Style formats.  

Provides digital resources for college, career, and military preparation. Schools have access to both the Learning Express Library for public libraries and PrepSTEP for high schools through this EBSCO resource. 

Merriam-Webster is America's foremost publisher of language-related reference works. In addition to its award-winning dictionary site, the company offers a diverse array of print and digital language references 

Includes simple, vetted articles, books, maps, multimedia, images and issues that align to core subjects through grade 8. 

Contains information on careers and includes the online version of the Occupational Outlook Handbook.