Important Dates:

March 25-29

Future Dates to Put on the Calendar:

School Hours: 7:40 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

200 Laralan Avenue

Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

Phone: 502-352-2585

Fax: 502-352-2586

Nick Barton, Principal

In guidance classes, ELV students finished learning about HONESTY this past week.   The books,  Lying Up a Storm and Ricky Sticky Fingers, both written by author Julia Cook, helped them understand the negative consequences of lying and stealing, including one of the BIGGEST, losing friends.

Our next Character Strong trait for March is COOPERATION.  Students will learn that COOPERATION means working together to reach shared goals.  Since all of them work with others as partners or in small groups daily, there are many examples of cooperating at school.  Next week students will learn that there are cooperation skills they must practice:  communicating (talking) and paying attention (watching and listening).  Classes will play a game of Silent Ball and Telephone to work on these skills.

Cooperation Newsletter 

Please Take Note: 

April 8, 2024 will now be a Staff Day in Franklin County Schools.  This staff day was originally scheduled for March 15, 2024.  However, there is supposed to be an eclipse on April 8 so the district has changed the calendar to allow for students to stay with families during the eclipse.   

April 8, 2024 - NO SCHOOL for Students 

ELV will be having a school beautification day on April 13!  We would love to have some volunteers to help with this event!  More information will be coming soon!  

If you are interested in purchasing ELV "Merch" please click on the link below!  There are sweatshirts as well as t-shirts with some really cool designs!  Please check out this site and look at all the different options you have!  We hope everyone can find something they like!  Please let us know if you have any questions and/or concerns!

ELV Merchandise Link 

Please continue to practice spelling these words at home as much as possible so your child(ren) will be able to utilize them in their reading and writing assignments!

Black - Blue - Brown - Green - Orange - Pink - Purple - Red - White - Yellow

Word Wall Words

Please work on finding these words in books and around the community!  We now have 3 words instead of just 2.  Please continue to practice at home as much as possible.

I, a, is, to, am, go, at, me, can, the, see, like, we, it, my, on, up, in, mom, dad, he, look, and, you, are, for, too, come, here, not, play, said, got, day, down, into, looking, she, they, went, where, will, your, all, away, back, big, her, over, this, want, who, with, came, have, help, next, now, one, same, then, was, what, didn't, don't, eat, from, give, good, make, of, out, saw, were, when


Please make sure you are reading/spelling the Word Wall Words above as much as possible to help students with retention and application as they read and write in the classroom!  As you read each night find those words in the text and have your child identify them!

Please continue to work on letter and sound recognition.  Please read with or to your child every night!  

Your child will continue with reading groups each week!  Please ask them about what they are learning in their groups!


Students have completed Handwriting Without Tears!  The link below explains how this program works and some of the verbage you can use at home with your child.  Please continue to use this at home to practice making letters

Handwriting Without Tears  

Students will continue with Writers Workshop.  Students will be writing stories using pictures and words.  We will incorporate our handwriting curriculum in with our writers workshop.  Below you can find some information on writers workshop and what your child(ren) will be doing here at ELV!  We would love for you to be teachers with your child(ren) as well!

Writers Workshop 


All classes have begun Module 4!  Please find some information regarding Module 4 and a video from our Math Interventionist.

1. The most important thing about this is the concept of part-part whole relationships. Students should understand the concept of composing (putting together) parts to make a whole (i.e., 4 and 3 make 7) and decomposing (taking apart) a whole into parts (i.e., 7 can be broken into parts of 5 and 5 or 4 and 3). This sets the stage for addition and subtraction in module 5, so please be sure students have a thorough understanding of these concepts. I have PLENTY of resources to help if you ever need anything!

2. This unit begins with breaking shapes into parts., This is a PERFECT spot to incorporate fractions. I recommend this as they will see fractions on iReady. As we teach the first few lessons, exposing them to the concept of if the parts are equal we call them halves, thirds, fourths, etc. can be easily tied in! We also have some great books in the library to help with fractions! 

Module 4 Video 

Module 3 is Complete  

Module 3 Information 

Module 2 Complete 

1. This is an EXCELLENT module for building discussion and discourse with students. There is LOTS of vocabulary you will need to develop with your students. Students should be able to talk about various attributes of shapes and defend why a certain shape can be called a rectangle or hexagon, etc. and also why a certain shape is NOT called a rectangle, hexagon, etc. They will see these types of questions on the mod 2 assessment and iReady.

2. I wanted to address some possible misconceptions about certain shapes that can be tricky for students. 

Ovals are NOT circles. Circles have to be perfectly round. (All points on a circle are equal distance from a central point, but this is too high for kindergarten). You can teach them that it's like a wheel. If you had it on your car, would it roll smoothly?

Squares ARE also rectangles. It's technically called a square rectangle, but we just identify it as a square for short. The special thing about a square is that all sides are equal. It is important to note for students that rectangles and squares MUST have right angles or L-shaped corners (whichever you prefer to use.) 

The names "hexagon" and "rectangle" are usually the most tricky for students to remember, so really emphasize those.

Cones have 0 vertices! The top point is called an apex. Vertices can only be created by the convergence of straight edges.

Please click on the link below to watch Mr. Clark, our Math Interventionist, discussing Module 2 and modeling some activities you can do at home!  This is a great resource for families as you assist your child(ren) with shapes!

Module 2 Video 

Module One Assessment is complete.

Number Formation Poems 

Module 1 Video

PTO Minutes

February PTO Minutes 

January PTO Minutes 

November PTO Minutes 

October PTO Minutes 

September PTO Minutes 

Next PTO Meeting will be on April 9, 2024

Nick Barton, Principal

Heather Sanderson, Dean of Students

Jamie Clark, School Counselor 

Tori Sheets, Family Resource Coordinator