Albert Escrivà

Welcome to the web page of Albert Escrivà. I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Brussels (ULB) in Belgium. Before that, I was a PhD student in Cosmology at the University of Barcelona and the Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB).

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If you are here, it is probably because you are interested on primordial black holes (PBHs) .

The SPriBHoS code (Spectral Primordial Black Hole Simulator) can be download here:

The code is based on the paper , published in 'Physics of the Dark Universe' Phys.Dark Univ. 27 (2020) 100466


Example: Time evolution of the compaction function for a supercritical (collapse of the perturbation) and subcritical (dispersion of the perturbation) Gaussian profile.

Some remarkable results using the SPriBHoS code:

A universal threshold for primordial black hole formation. Phys. Rev. D 101, 044022 (2020)Albert Escrivà, Cristiano Germani, Ravi K. Sheth

Comparison between numerical and analytical values for a polynomial basis.

Analytical threshold formula in the case of radiation in terms of the shape around the peak of the compaction function "q".

PBH in single field inflation: the effect of shape dispersion and non-GaussianitiesJCAP 05 (2020) 022

Vicente Atal, Judith Cid, Albert Escrivà and Jaume Garriga

Ratio of PBHs coming from the collapse of large overdensities to those created from inflating regions trapped in the false minimum of the potential.

Variation of the threshold for the maximum of the compaction function with respect to the non-Gaussian parameter.

Analytical thresholds for black hole formation in general cosmological backgrounds. JCAP01(2021)030
Albert Escrivà, Cristiano Germani, Ravi K. Sheth

Analytical threshold estimation (dashed lines) in comparison with numerical values (solid lines with error bars).

Analytical threshold formula in terms of the shape around the peak of the compaction function "q" and the equation of state "w".

Effects of the shape of curvature peaks on the size of primordial black holesArXiv:2103.03867
Albert Escrivà, Antonio Enea Romano

Time of formation (in units of the time of horizon crossing tm) of the apparent horizon in terms of the initial amplitude of the perturbation for several profiles (q).

Effect of the accretion of the PBHs for different amplitudes and profiles. The sub-plot shows the case for those PBHs most relevant for the dark matter abundance.