West Woods Library

Teacher Librarian, Mrs. Marcello    marcellol@fpsct.org

Library Clerk, Mrs. Wong   wongj@fpsct.org 

Summer Reading Rising 5th & 6th Graders 2024
WWUES Summer Flyer 2024.pdf

Summer Reading:

⬆️  It's  ⬆️ official...Scritch Scratch is the 2024 Intermediate Nutmeg Winner!

WWUES also chose Scritch Scratch as the winning title!


Fall late bus information is coming soon.  [They will run on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.]

Late Bus Map

Late Bus Routes

Destiny Discover Link

Log in to put books on hold and see what materials you already have checked out.

username: pin #

password: pin #

Are you having trouble logging into Destiny Discover?  Watch this video for advice.


Biweekly Library Class Schedules

5th Grade Schedule

6th Grade Schedule



If you are a parent or student seeking technical support, please use our online form at http://tinyurl.com/4vymw3pe   or call the TSG Support line at (860) 673-8240. 

Mrs. Marcello's Reads 


23-24 May New Books Display

New Books in the WWUES Library

New Books April

New Books March

New Books February

New Books January

News Books December

News Books November

New Books September

New Books October

Fall Birthdays 


If you have a birthday in August, September, October, and November, an invitation to join will be shared with you in September.