FPS Elementary Enrollment
AD Hoc Committee

Committee Overview

The Farmington Board of Education is establishing an Elementary Ad Hoc Committee to review enrollment projections, assess overall utilization of the elementary school facilities and to identify options that the district can implement to balance enrollment across facilities.

Committee Charge

The work of the Elementary Ad Hoc will begin in March 2023, and recommendations will be brought forward to the Board by December 15, 2023. The purpose of the Elementary Ad Hoc Committee is to review enrollment projections, assess overall utilization of the elementary school facilities and to identify options that the district can implement to balance enrollment across facilities. The committee's goal will be to advise the Board of Education with recommendations to assist with balancing enrollment across facilities.

Therefore, the Board of Education charges the FPS Elementary Enrollment Ad Hoc to engage in a study of:

At the conclusion of this study, the Ad Hoc Committee will provide up to three options with considerations for the Board by December 15, 2023 to address elementary enrollment and facility capacity and utilization K-4.

Elementary Enrollment Ad Hoc Membership

Board of Education Liaisons: 

Farmington Public Schools Representatives:

Town of Farmington Representative:

Community Representatives:

Ex-Officio Members: