Julia Garrison '21

Concentration in Performing Arts (Directing, Sound Technology, and Acting)

About Me

My concentration has shifted over my four years at Foxcroft. I began on a music path in which I was focused on guitar and composition, and was taking classical lessons at the time. However, the more time I spent at Foxcroft, the more I wanted to switch over to performing arts.

With the help of my advisor, Ms. Thorndike, I was able to become the multi-faceted student that I am in the classroom, on the stage, or in the booth.

As a concentration student, I am required to have an internship so that I can get hands-on experience in my concentration and have a better understanding of how I work with others.

For the four years that I have been in the program, I have been the theatre intern. I have a certain amount of duties during the school year, and I report to the theatre director, Ms. Thorndike. You can read more about my internship on this page.

My Final Presentation

In April, I will be officially closing out my four years of work into the concentration program. I will be doing a presentation detailing my work and involvement in Foxcroft's theatre program that has lead me to where I am today.

Concentration Presentation