Fox Point J2 School District Library Plan


Our school libraries work to support every student in their educational journey. As schools seek to become future ready, it is necessary to identify and cultivate leadership beyond district and building leaders. School librarians lead, teach, and support the Future Ready goals of their school and district in a variety of ways through their professional practices, programs, and spaces. Using the Future Ready Librarian framework as a guide, an up-to-date library plan has been created for FPBS school libraries. Having a long-range plan developed utilizing the Future Ready Librarian framework allows for library programs to effectively increase student achievement, provide equitable resources to all, and be a collaborative part of district learning initiatives. To best meet current needs and adjust to future changes, this website acts as a dynamic plan and contains pages that represent each of the "wedges" of the Future Ready Librarians framework. Each page contains a short description of the wedge, along with what is currently being done in the FPBS library program and potential areas for growth.


FPBS libraries strive to be the hub of the learning community by providing flexibility and variety in both the physical library space and the collection, while fostering student centered learning and creativity in classrooms, the library, and school makerspaces. We strive to foster the love of reading and learning by providing our students and staff with a diverse collection of literature, resources, and technology.  In conjunction with students, teachers, administrators, and parents, we work towards the goal of becoming a future ready learning community.


Chad Lehman - Library Media Specialist - Bayside Middle School

Jillian Heise - Library Media Specialist - Stormonth Elementary School

Stacey Houck - Library Assistant - Bayside Middle School

Michelle Karaffa - Library Assistant - Bayside Middle School

Megan Smith - Library Assistant - Stormonth Elementary School


Last Approved: 1/16/2024

Next Review Date: 2027 


2024-2025 School Year

2025-2026 School Year