Edtech Coaches NOTATISTE Challenge

If you are not going to be able to join us at the conference this year, we have planned something just for you. The #ETCoaches #NotAtISTE challenge will take place on Tuesday June 25 in conjunction with the Edtech Coaches Playground. The challenge will begin at 8:30AM and end at 2:00PM (Eastern Time). To participate you will need:

  • An internet enabled device (laptop, iPad, chromebook, etc.) - if your device does not have a camera and microphone, you will also need a mobile device (like your phone).
  • A Google account - You will need to copy a Google Slide template in order to see and document the challenge tasks
  • A social media account on Twitter - You'll post some of the challenge tasks there.
  • A Wakelet account - You will be building a collaborative Wakelet
  • A Flipgrid account - You will post to Flipgrid - if using a mobile device, you will also need to download the app
  • A Padlet account - You will need to post to padlet

The challenge links will be live at 8:30AM (eastern time) which is 1 hour before the playground opens. To participate you must register for the challenge and download the challenge slide template. The template has detailed directions for each of the 10 tasks. You will complete each task as directed and collect the necessary evidence. Place the evidence in your slide template as you complete each task. All participants are eligible for the Merge Cube drawing, so remember to add your name to the drawing before you submit your slides for the badge. When you have completed all tasks, submit your slides and then you can collect your badge. The challenge window will close at 2:00PM (eastern time).

Challenge links will not be live until June 25

How to Participate

  1. Register for the challenge
  2. Copy the Google slide template.
  3. Complete the challenge tasks:
    • Look at session #1 playground materials and post to Twitter/Instagram
    • Add a post to the collaborative Wakelet
    • Create and post a coaching meme to Twitter/Instagram
    • Respond to the Flipgrid prompt
    • Look at session #2 playground materials and post to Twitter/Instagram
    • Ask a question to the mentor coaches
    • Suggest a coaching strategy on Padlet
    • Hands-on Coding exploration
    • Look at session #3 playground materials and post to Twitter/Instagram
    • Merge Cube exploration
  4. Submit your evidence
  5. Collect your badge