Accounting, Banking & Insurance Guidance

Protect Financial Information from Being Compromised

Today, attackers want more than just the money when it comes to breaches. Instead of just outright stealing your money, hackers are now trying to stay under the radar by subtly making changes to bank accounts, allowing them to get money and valuable data over a long period of time instead. Protect your financial information and prevent personal financial loss by keeping up to date with cyber awareness education, preserve you and your district’s reputation, and avoid any actions which could put not only yourself at risk but your organization’s or even those you care about.

Practicing the Principles of Least Privilege, and Proper Phishing and

Social Engineering Training Can Reduce Risk

Browse through the dedicated resources below to learn more about the benefits of Cybersecurity financial and insurance best practices for your district.

Checklist #02|Feb - Accounting, Banking, & Insurance

Lesson - #03|February

Be Sure to Check Out Our Training Content on Best Practices for Administrative Privileges!