Technology Integration Specialist

Desk covered with books, laptop, photos and a cup of coffee

Hello Friend!

I have worked in education at both primary and secondary levels for the past twenty-three years. I have served in numerous capacities outside the role of traditional educator; primarily focusing on how to enable educators to more successfully reach their students.

I am a Technology Integration Specialist. I am supporting teachers and students, in 5 schools, as they transition to a digital learning environment.

I am ready to learn and explore together!

Julie Cobb

I can be a tool for learning, for you and for your students!

Together we can:

*brainstorm new ideas for lessons

*explore technology tools and how they support learning

Frames quote says "Digital Learning is any instructional practice that is effectively using technology to strengthen the student learning experience.

*learn how to use...Chromebooks, Google Drive, Simple Video/Editing, 3D Design and Printing, Dash and Dots, Sphero, Apps and Extensions.....

*plan lessons with technology integrated

*work through routines and procedures with devices in the classroom

*model and/or co-teach lessons

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