Ms. Gibson
Welcome to PLTW Biomedical Sciences
On this site you will be able to find information regarding all of the PLTW Biomedical Sciences Courses. Get excited to delve in to new careers, cutting edge technology, and pushing the limits of the human body!
First Day of Classes: All instruction will be posted in Google Classroom, please find your classes Google Classroom code and join!
2nd HR - Human Body Systems (HBS) - t2shvct
3rd HR - Biology I - 32xspii Google Meet Link
4th HR - Human Body Systems (HBS) - 4l2qn56
5th HR - Principles of Biomedical Sciences (PBS) - topptph
6th HR - Medical Interventions (MI) - we4kvfl
7th HR --Biomedical Innovations - r2adlgw
ADVISORY - ha7giev
Teacher Name Office Phone: 816-650-7111
Office Hours: The quickest form of communication is to email me.