Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) Plan

Fort Osage School District will implement the AMI Plan on the first five missed days of school due to short-term closures, such as inclement weather

Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) Day Schedule

General Information  - All Grades

Teachers will be available to support students during normal school hours, in the same way they are available on a normal school day.  Teachers will communicate time(s) during the day that they will be directly accessible via virtual format (i.e. a Google Meet) to their students and the families of their students.  For Example: In an elementary classroom (where students utilize district devices) the teacher will be available in a Google Meet at a designated time and may be reached via email/Seesaw throughout the day with students accessessing learning resources via Seesaw or Google Classroom.  In secondary classrooms, teachers will communicate when they will host “office hours” for the courses that they teach or when they will be delivering direct instruction, during this time students may log in and join the virtual meeting to support learning activities assigned for their course that day.  Teachers may be reached via email throughout the day with students accessessing learning resources via Google Classroom.


Grades K-1 

Grades 2-4

Grades 5-12


Fort Discovery

Click on your child's school to access AMI plans.