Student Work

Lockdown Part 2

Student Work: 1st March - 5th March

Excellent Work 1st - 5th March

Student Work: 22nd February-26th February

Excellent Work 22nd-26th Feb

Student Work: 8th February-12th February

Excellent Work 8th-12th February

Student Work: 1st February-5th February

Excellent work 1st-5th Feb

Student Work: 25th January - 29th January

Excellent Work 25th-29th January

Student Work: 18th January - 22nd January

Excellent Work 18th-22nd January

Student Work: 11th January - 15th January

Excellent Work 11th-15th January

Student Work: 4th January - 8th January

Excellent Work 5th-8th January

Lockdown Part 1

Student Work: 6th July - 10th July

Excellent Work 6th-10th July

Student Work: 29th June - 3rd July

Excellent Work 29th June - 3rd July

Student Work: 22nd - 26th June

Despite the heat, students have still been making art work and taking photographs. We are so proud of all our students who have 'turned in' art and photography this week.

Excellent Work 22nd-26th June

Student Work: 15th - 19th June

This week and last week we asked our students to create work in response to the recent events in the US and UK following the murder of George Floyd. We discussed the work of David Hammons and Barbara Walker but left it to students to decide what to focus on and how to respond. We have a few pieces to share this week, more to follow.

The slideshow below also includes work for other projects currently taking place in the department.

Excellent Work 15th-19th June

Student Work: 8th - 12th June

Excellent Work 8th-12th June

Student Work: 1st - 5th June

Royal Academy: Young Artist Summer Show

Congratulations to Lucy English in 9JC who has been selected for the Royal Academy’s online Young Artist Summer Show. Her piece, called Happy Place was shortlisted from over 17,000 entries.

Commiserations to the 38 Fortismere students who were not successful. The judges said: ‘We loved each and every artwork that was submitted and making the final selection was incredibly difficult. We hope that you will continue to create art and try again next year’. The online exhibition will go live on 17th July.

This week's celebration of student work also includes the submissions for the Department's Half Term Challenge, Banana Artwork, and three pieces in response to 'Be Radical', the theme for Art Education Week.

Well done to all students. Even if you are not featured in this slide doc, your work gives us an enormous amount of pleasure.

Excellent work 1st-5th June

Student Work: 18th - 22nd May

Excellent work- 18th - 22nd May

Student Work: 11th-15th May

Well done to all students who have applied themselves to online Art and Photography lessons this week. We continue to be inspired and impressed by the work that comes in each week. Please contact the Department if you are struggling with any aspect of the work set via our email:

Excellent work 11th-15th May

Art & Photography Department Challenges

The Art & Photography Department has had some incredible submissions for the different challenges set earlier during the lockdown. Please take the time to look through them in the slide show below. A new Challenge will be set for the May Half Term.

Be inspired, create your own and share it with us. Remember, the image must be sent from a parent / carer email to By doing this we will presume we have the permission of all participants to post the image on our website. You can get more information and inspiration from the instruction slide shows on our home page.

We will continue to update this slide show so keep checking.

Art & Photography Challenges

Student Work: 4th-8th May

Excellent work Years 7-11:

Excellent work 4th-8th May

Student Work: Week beg. 27th April.

Excellent work Years 7-13:

Excellent work 27 April - 1st May

GCSE Photography

Here is a sample of work by our current year 10 Photographer students. They are producing work in response to six photographers during the lockdown: David Hockney (photojoiners), Edward Weston, André Kertész, Jan Glover, Ute Barth & Laura Letinsky.

Shapes in the domestic environment

Student Work: Week beg. 20th April.

Excellent work 20-24th April
RA Student show