Library Policies and Philosophy

Library Visits

The Joseph F. Hickey Memorial Library, located in Gerdine House, serves all students in Eyas through Grade 6 with inclusive, developmentally relevant programming and reliable resources for academic and pleasure reading.  Literature Appreciation, Media Literacy and Research Skills are embedded across all grade levels.  Our library follows the Forsyth School Mission and  International Literacy Association's Children's Rights to Read.  

Students in Junior-Kindergarten through Grade 6 are issued library “cards” with account numbers for tracking purposes, to check out books on an ongoing basis. Book renewals are granted automatically unless another student has an item on hold. Late fees do not apply during the school year

Students follow the Forsyth Honor Code as it applies to Library time.  

Be Honest - Let your grown up and the librarian know if you have lost or damaged a book.

Be Kind - Share book ideas, encourage all readers.

Be Respectful - Give your attention to the person reading or sharing. Be respectful of the author and illustrator who put their time and talent into the stories shared.

Be Responsible - Take good care of library books.  Keep them away from food and drinks and dogs. Return books when you are finished. 

Be Fair - Take turns with books. If you want the same book as another child, find a fair way to decide. 

Practice Good Sportsmanship - Don't brag about how easy a book was for you.  Speak constructively about book choices and reading interests. 

Library Checkout Limits and Return Expectations

Books are 'due' 2 weeks after a library visit.   Early returns are always appreciated.  Grade level classrooms maintain a return location and teachers are responsible for ensuring that classroom returns make it back to the Joseph E. Hickey Library in Gerdine House. 

The Library has a generous renewal policy and students may renew 2-3 times depending on book complexity and active research projects. Because of this, they might accumulate a number of books on their account - an informal alert system is used to remind students to return books. 

Students know that if something is "not renewable" that means someone is waiting for that book and it should be returned immediately - they should not wait until the next library day.   

Students know that they should return their books when they finish so that other children can enjoy them. 

Books not returned at end of school year are declared lost. See Below For Lost Book Policy

Lost Book Charges

Lost or damaged items must be replaced in the academic year they occur. If a family reports loss or damage mid-year, they may opt to provide a new (or like-new) replacement by arrangement with Forsyth’s Librarian.  

In May, families will receive a list of outstanding items. They have until the last day of school to return all items. 

An item is declared lost if not returned by the last day of school of the academic year and will be billed through FACTS. After that point, lost items that are found can be kept by the family or donated back to the library. No refunds are issued once a lost item is billed through FACTS.