OMS Social Studies
Welcome to the Amazing World of Social Studies!
Join us in our classrooms as we take you on an amazing journey around the globe and through the annals of Georgia history. In 6th grade World Geography, you will learn about the environmental issues of Latin America, the cultural characteristics of Canada, and the World Wars in Europe. 7th grade World Geography will introduce you to the empires and intrigue of Africa and the wars and religions that have shaped the face of Asia. As you wrap up your middle school career, you will be amazed at the rich heritage, the bloody battles, and the juicy scandals that have created the unique history of our fabulous state.
Otwell is an AdvancED STEM Certified and Title 1 Distinguished School
Because “STEM” and “social studies” share a similar focus on using multiple bodies of knowledge to understand and solve problems in the world around us, we share common ground. When partnered together, “STEM” and “social studies” enable us to ask deeper questions and propose sharper conclusions based on a wide body of evidence. Taken from the NCSS website by Lawrence Paska, 2017.