Level 2: Feedback

All kinds of Feedback!


Feedback is an important form of communication! Feedback can be hard to take sometimes, and you really do have to sugarcoat it online because of how abrasive text can sound. Tone is important in an online environment! Emojis, manners, and exclamation points will help your message be received positively.

With that in mind, first up, please read this guide: “How to Give Your Students Better Feedback With Technology." It's an awesome, comprehensive look at feedback!

Next Stop: Rubrics!

There are many ways to give feedback besides rubrics (ex: audio, video, peer review, annotations, etc).

But for when you do need a rubric, Single Point Rubric is a super easy way to make grading more manageable online.

Even more ways to give feedback!

Sometimes, we use direct communication as a form of feedback!

Within an online course in itslearning, there are many ways to give feedback.

Here are some examples of giving feedback within itslearning:

Even more ways!!!!

What about giving feedback outside of itslearning? What are some ways to do that? Examples:

Optional, bonus content!