Forrest Hill School Excellence Awards 2022
Click the link to see our Google Photo Album - Excellence Awards 2022
The Awards
Academic Excellence
This certificate is awarded to the student in each class who has shown the greatest excellence in their learning in 2022. This could be all round excellence or could be excellence in a specific subject.
Academic Progress
This certificate is awarded to the student in each class who has shown the greatest progress in their learning in 2022. This could be all round progress or could be progress specifically in one subject area.
School Spirit
This certificate is awarded to the student who has shown school spirit. Consistently demonstrates our school values of Respect, Connect and Challenge. Has strongly developed in the areas of the key competencies. This could be in the way they have taken on responsibilities across the school or within the classroom, been particularly supportive in buddy class times, been active in the envirogroup or shown sportsmanship within school wide sporting events, or demonstrates leadership skills.
Special Award
This certificate is for a student who deserves particular mention for some aspect of their school life in 2022. It could be the way they have taken on challenges in their learning, their commitment or effort towards their learning, effort in a sporting aspect, all round great attitude. Teachers will highlight a specific reason for this award which will be printed on the certificate.
Speech Competition
Enid Watson Cup
All round Year 6 Character / Values
Wayne Hutchinson Cup
All round Year 6 Excellence
Arataki Kaiako Kowhiri
Year 6 teachers choice for the all rounder student that has excelled in Year 6 in academics, or culturally or in general school spirit.
Click the image below to goto the shared Google Photo Album to download your photos.