Congratulations to the girls basketball team!

On to state!

Feb. 19

Mystery Science - Mars

Introduction to Mystery Science - Web of Life

Assignment found on google classroom

Feb. 20

Mystery Science -Web of Life

Probe - Is it Food?

Watch videos, I will post here after class

Feb. 21

Mystery Science - Web of Life

Phenomenon and Guided Inquiry

Brainpop - Ecosystems

Feb. 22 

Learning #3


The Survival of the Tigers - Read the article below, then answer questions on google form and submit.  

Hint- all answers are in the article.

No STEAM assignment today.

Feb. 23

Learning #4

There are problems with Wonderopolis. It's working now but if you have problems wait a few minutes and try again.

Science - Read the Wonderopolis, complete google form, and submit.

STEAM - Virtual trip to biosphere