August 28 - September 1

Mon., August 28

Focus: Base 10 Number System

Learning Target: I can use organized groups of ten to find the value of a number.

Task:  Complete the 8 BUILDING GROUPS task cards. Record your answers for each card IN YOUR MATH NOTEBOOK. You may use the Brainingcamp site to help solve the task cards by creating the model of the number as shown on the card.

EXTRA TIME: Complete the Who am I? riddles. Record your answers for each slide IN YOUR MATH NOTEBOOK. You may use the Brainingcamp site or physical pieces to help solve the riddles.

Who am I? Riddles

Tuesday, August 29

Focus: Base 10 Number System

Learning Target: I can use organized groups of ten to find the value of a number.

Task:  Complete the 8 BUILDING GROUPS task cards. Record your answers for each card IN YOUR MATH NOTEBOOK. You may use the Brainingcamp site to help solve the task cards by creating the model of the number as shown on the card.

EXTRA TIME: Complete the Who am I? riddles. Record your answers for each slide IN YOUR MATH NOTEBOOK. You may use the Brainingcamp site or physical pieces to help solve the riddles.

Who am I? Riddles

Wednesday, August 30

Focus: Building Numbers

Learning Target: I can identify a number using the provided clues.

Task: There are a total of 8 challenge cards to complete. You can access each one using the > button on the picture to the left. Record your responses on a NEW sheet of paper in your RTI math notebook. LABEL the sheet of paper with today's date and Base Ten Challenge.

You may use the Brainingcamp site to help solve the task cards by creating the model of the number as shown on the card.

Place Value Challenge Cards with Whole Numbers

Thursday, August 31

Focus: Different Forms of a Number

Learning Target: I can display a number in several forms.

Task: Rotating through three different stations, you will practice displaying a number in three different forms: word notation, standard notation and expanded form.

Friday, September 1

Focus: Different Forms of a Number

Learning Target: I can display a number in several forms.

Task: Practice writing the different forms of numbers. You will rotate through three stations:

1) Hallway Task Cards

2) Game

3) Memory Match