Accessibility Awareness

About Accessibility

Accessibility is developing solutions to meet the needs of all users, with and without disabilities. Universal design, a concept now widely used in the private sector, provides a path for federal agencies to shift to this broader focus.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines — guide you on what technologies, code, tools to add to create the Web products more accessible. This guideline is internationally recognized and has as principles the following perceivable, operable, understandable and robust. The WCAG 2.0 is organized in three different levels:

  • Level A: the most basic Web accessibility features;
  • Level AA: the most common barriers for disabled people;
  • Level AAA: the highest level of accessibility.

Accessibility facts

1/5 of the population of the Earth has a disability and struggle to have access to the same services and products like people without disabilities have. Sometimes, the copywriters, designers, and developers are creating barriers for those people, by having the aesthetic factor in their mind, rather than accessibility. In the United States of America, for example, The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) is helping people with disabilities to fight with the system and to trigger an alarm signal about the fact that they are there, and they need to have an experience that responds to their needs while using a Web product.