Snow Day Fun!

Wednesday March 7

Good Morning,

I hope you are all staying warm and cozy on this snow day.


While you are home, think about our pourquoi tale of how the monkey got it's tail. What interesting predicament will the monkey be in that will cause his/her tail to grow long? Brainstorm your beginning, middle and end.


We've been working on telling time to the hour and half hour. As you go through the day, check out what time you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fill out the attached document.

Social Studies

We've been working on building galimotos (a push toy created from wire and other used/recyclable materials). Look around your house to find some materials that you could use to build a galimoto. Take a picture of what you've created and send it to me so I can post it to our blog.

Enjoy the snow day!!!​

What Time Do I

Enjoying the Snow

January 4 and 5

Happy Snow Day!

I hope that you are enjoying our snow day and staying warm. Below are some suggestions of activities related to our curriculum that you can do.


See if you can find small objects to balance on your finger. Have someone take your picture and email it to me so I can add it to our blog.


Find a cozy, warm spot to enjoy your favorite story. We have been working on using our prior knowledge (what we already know about a topic) to help us make predictions and connections to the text. You can also search for vowel teams (ai, ay, ea, ee, ou, oa, oy, ui).


Ask your child about our daily “Power Write”. Set a timer for 5 minutes and have your child do a power write about snow!


You can ask your child to show you how to play "War" with addition or subtraction. The player with the lowest sum/total wins that round.


Fantastic job balancing!

Snowy Day Fun!