The Politicization of Science in the United States

Justine Bergancia

COVID-19 vaccinations by state

vaccine hesitancy by state

Science is meant to be the pursuit of objective truth and unbiased understanding -- but the humans learning from science are rarely either “objective” or “unbiased.” New scientific findings have often been controversial because they challenge the status quo, but especially today, science is under great threat. In the United States, science has become increasingly polarized between the two political parties, Democrats and Republicans. Studies have shown that party affiliation has become a major factor in general trust in science, leading to disparities in vaccination status, belief in climate change, and more. 

Mission of the project

To educate the public on the lack of scientific knowledge and trust in the United States

 A lack of trust in science in the United States has important ramifications on the country’s public health. For example, over 1 million people in the US have died of COVID-19, and since the rollout of the vaccine, as of 2021, 92% of Democrats and only 56% of Republicans were vaccinated. Such a large portion of the population disregarding COVID-19 safety policies and remaining unvaccinated has contributed to the continuing circulation of COVID-19 and the evolution of new, deadlier strains. So much of the current state of COVID-19 in the U.S. originates with the politicization of COVID-19, and so many deaths could have been prevented by a more united, science-based response to the pandemic from the government. Scientific literacy is important for people of all political alignments because disinformation about vaccines also contributed to the disparity in vaccination rates.

Partisan belief in science also has adverse effects on the entire planet. The climate has drastically changed due to human activity, with temperatures climbing, rising sea levels, and ice disappearing. 3.6 billion people live in areas susceptible to climate change, and millions of people are already suffering from physical and mental illnesses, disaster events, lack of access to food and water, and more. However, the belief that climate change is currently happening at all is significantly lower for Republicans than for Democrats. If disbelievers in climate change continue to prevent wide-scale government action, the United States and the whole globe will experience even more extreme storms, droughts, wildfires, and heatwaves. If disbelievers in climate change continue to prevent wide-scale government action, the United States and the whole globe will experience even more extreme storms, droughts, wildfires, and heatwaves, leading to countless lives lost -- both human lives, and all life on Earth

This website discusses the history and current social context of the politicization of science. However, to combat scientific misinformation, I have also created an interactive presentation about commonly misunderstood topics such as vaccines. See my action page for more information, or proceed to the free download at this Dropbox link.

