Police Brutality in America

Annie Rivera

Mission of the project

The issue that is relevant today and is still a problem is police brutality against black individuals in America. I chose this topic because African Americans are 3.5 times more likely to experience fatal police violence than white Americans. This is unjust and should not be happening at all and at such a high rate. Most black victims of police brutality are racially profiled due to how they look, what they are wearing, and the color of their skin even if they are unarmed. It is important to inform people on what has happened in the past up until today. To know what has happened in the past is to remember the victims and the lives that they should've lived. To gain insight on what is going on today is to educate others that this shouldn’t be happening. Most of the time the justice system does nothing to advocate for the black voices that may have experienced this violence and have not done much to hold the officers accountable.