About Me

Ingrid Truong

Hi! My name is Ingrid Truong and I am currently a senior at Fontbonne. I am part of the Student Council and run the Photography Club. I also play tennis and cheer in the fall. As a Chinese American woman, this topic has always lingered in the back of my mind. It wasn't until I was scrolling on TikTok and came across a video of a girl describing how difficult it is to date as an Asian woman in America. I could tell she was not alone in this challenge, as most of the comments under the video agreed with her and wrote about their own experiences and challenges. It made me realize how normalized the sexualization of Asian culture is, and how really only Asian people were able to identify it. Some of the most common times I have noticed Asian culture being idealized are when people online use Japanese, Chinese, or other Asian text in their Instagram posts, or getting tattoos without bothering to understand the full meaning and translation.