
What jobs can be done with an English degree?

This guide from Prospects will help you discover several key ideas!

BBC Bitesize Stories

This collection of resources from the BBC will help you to explore some of the stories behind people working with an English degree.

Why study English as a career?

This Success at School guide provides perfect information about how English can make a real benefit to your future career

How to become a writer

A fantastic BBC article focused on helping you to become a writer

iCould guide to English

This guide contains information and interviews with 44 professionals using English in their careers

How to become a screenwriter

A fantastic BBC article focused on helping you to become a screenwriter

Word of the Day

Look above for the latest tweets from Dictionary.com

Looking for a new book?

This 2012 survey of young people gives a fantastic list of new books to expand your literary horizons. Get stuck into a new book!

English...what's the point?

A good question! This playlist of 10 videos explore different parts of the English language and how understanding and mastering these will help you in your career life, whatever you choose to go on to do.