The Story.

Plants took me to a place of being able to slow down with my day-to-day and take better care of my mental health. It was a reflective process that allowed me to have a better relationship with myself. This ultimately allowed me to face some biases and lenses I carried about my own heritage that helped me to step into a truer version of myself.

Click here for the full story.


The self-discovery journey by considering plant care as a parallel to personal care was crucial in my journey to coming into my own, sharing my personal story, and beginning to deliver value for others. The hope is share plant care techniques and mindsets to others as way for them to begin their own personal exploration.

What We Aim to Accomplish.

The improvement of mental health and wellness in a self-guided approach. Learning to listen to our bodies to better understand our needs, wants, and fears. We do this by providing the right mindset and framework adopted from plant care to living a better.

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