Visit the front desk of the Brambleton Library to purchase one of our great FOBL tote bags for $15. We also have a limited number of our "Vintage" FOBL totes available to $20 (while supplies last only).
We also have a limited supply of mugs that we proudly created in Brambleton Library's makerspace for $5 and Enamel Pins for $3.
Ongoing Book Sale
We have TWO ongoing book sale shelves. One is located in the building lobby and the other is located on the second floor of the library (near the elevators). We collect donations from the public and sell the items on our FOBL shelves. People can drop off donations anytime during library open hours. To buy a book, leave the suggested donation amount of $2 in our drop off box or scan the QR code on the sign to pay via Paypal or credit card. Thanks for your support!
We are actively seeking more board members at-large! If interested in applying for a 1-year term, please email for more information.