Springfield Elementary eLearning


Optional Student Learning Resources


You MUST use the username and password sent to you by the teacher in order to access these resources.


Engaging online books for daily reading and comprehension practice.

Math online learning. Used regularly in the classroom.

Online science platform with science textbook, videos, interactive activities.


G/T Only-Reading and Math Practice

Practice typing skills.


These resources either do not require log in credentials OR you can create your own username and password.

Engaging videos on all subjects with activities. Parents currently can sign up for free. Most appropriate for 3rd-5th.

Engaging videos on all subjects with activities. Parents currently can sign up for free. Most appropriate for K-3rd.

Leveled literacy activities along with ability to sign up for free subscription to Book Flix.

Easy, free science lessons to parents who sign up.

Wonders (questions) of the day with lots to learn about!

A large collection of digital books for all reading levels.

Additional instructional videos to assist with math.

Early childhood learning in math, phonics, etc. Free 30 day trial for parents

Storyline Online streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations.