Welcome to 7th grade C-hall. We are so excited to meet each of you. It will be a great year with new and exciting concepts to learn in science, math, ELA, and social studies. We hope you all had a great summer and are ready to come back to an amazing school where new experiences and opportunities await.

Please access this page at the start of each week to find out the most current happenings in school and each classroom.

Each teacher page will direct you to their information such as contact info, expectations, grading policies, and lessons plans.

Use the links at the left side of the page to navigate the website. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Please bring a book to read every day! Remember, summer reading is due Friday, 9/4.

We are so excited to see you!!

Coyne -Science

School email: coynea@fortmillschools.org

Gmail: coynea@fmsdmail.org

Mahon - Math

School email : mahonj@fortmillschools.org

Gmail : mahonj@fmsdmail.org

Social Studies- Shaw

School email: shawja@fortmillschools.org

Gmail: shawja@fmsdmail.org