Vision Fitness重量訓練區

Vision品牌自1995年起至今榮獲美國「BEST BUY」獎項共計28次的殊榮,藉由美國消費者雜誌調查評選,表彰高品質、高等級之最佳企業產品。Vision品牌亦多次在美國的「HEALTH & FITNESS」展覽中被評為顧客心目中「最佳顧客服務」的公司。

尚有更多型號,歡迎致電2127 1561查詢。

ST710  Multi-Station Gym

Assemble Dimensions:282(L) x 221(W) x 213(H)


Space-saving corner design will fit into virtually any room

Multi-adjustable center chrome upright for functional movements

Three work stations on two weight stacks allow for multiple users

Double-stitched Boltaflex® upholstery on contoured pads provide durable, lasting comfort

Easy-to-read instructional exercise placards

Convenient accessory storage keeps everything organized

Add-on weights for smaller incremental weight changes

ST700  Funactional Trainer

Assemble Dimensions:145(L) x 157(W) x 213(H)


Space-saving corner design will fit into virtually any room

Multi-adjustable center chrome upright for functional movements

Three work stations on two weight stacks allow for multiple users

Double-stitched Boltaflex® upholstery on contoured pads provide durable, lasting comfort

Easy-to-read instructional exercise placards

Convenient accessory storage keeps everything organized

Add-on weights for smaller incremental weight changes

ST780  Adjustable Bench

Assemble Dimensions:154(L) x 66(W) x 48(H)

Simple incline, flat and decline adjustment options

User-friendly handle and transport wheels

Double-stitched Boltaflex® upholstered pads provide durable,lasting comfort

Extra-heavy gauge steel frame for long-lasting durability