How To Apply for 2022-2023 Dual Enrollment

MAY 1st is the deadline for NEW students at GNTC and Shorter

APRIL 1st is the deadline for Georgia Highlands - TESTING MAY BE REQUIRED!

March 15th is the deadline for Berry - Seniors Only 

Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Speak with your counselor about your interest in Dual Enrollment. He or she will work with you to decided if DE is right for you. Counselors are invaluable resources! There will be a meeting with interested students at your school later in February - check with your counselor for the date and time.

Step 2: Apply to the college through which you would like to take your DE courses. You will need to request that a high school transcript be sent to the college - you do this through your GAFutures account. If you are unsure about your login, ask your counselor!

Step 3: Once accepted, tell your counselor and/or Instructional AP which courses you plan to take so they can update your schedule in PowerSchool.

 Next Steps require action from Students      AND Parents!!

Step 4: You and a parent/guardian must attend a required spring parent meeting. There are five dates to choose from!

DE Orientation and Handbook Presentation Spring 2022

Step 5: You and a parent/guardian must complete the Dual Enrollment Application electronically through GaFutures.  Your parent MUST complete their portion before funding can be approved.  TUTORIAL

Step 6: Your parent must complete the DE Parent Agreement Form electronically through your GAFutures account.

Step 7: After reading the FCS DE Handbook, sign the Virtual Signature Page. The link to the Handbook is HERE.

Step 8: Complete all requirements for the college of your choice. This includes, but is not limited to, Orientation.

Step 9: Register for your selected courses through the college. If you are taking a class on a FCS campus AND YOU HAVE COMMUNICATED WITH YOUR COUNSELOR, this will be done for you. It is up to you to ensure your registration is complete.

Step 10: When available, check your college email/account info at least twice a week. Many times, this is the only way you will receive pertinent information. If you miss a deadline or an assignment, there are usually consequences that cannot be corrected by the high school.