South Floyd Elementary School

Brook Moore, Principal
Stephanie Akers, Assistant Principal
April Bradford, Assistant Principal
Kayla Howard, School Coordinator

Mia Harless

1st Grade
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If I could have one Christmas wish I wish that other foster kids could find a good family like I have. Every kid needs a good home.

Last Christmas was the best Christmas ever because we got to play in the snow. My brother and I played in the snow, rode sleds down the hill, threw snowballs at my mom, and even tried a bite or two of snow! My Christmas wish for this year is for it to snow again.

Taylyn Stanley

1st Grade
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Kaisley Bates

1st Grade
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If I could grant one wish for Christmas it would be for all kids in the world to get a present, and for all the homeless people to have a house. Also, for the hungry people to get something to eat. Santa can take some of my toys and give it to the kids that don’t have any.

The funniest experience I’ve had during Christmas happened last year. There was so much snow in my yard when I woke up on Christmas morning I just had to go outside and play in it. I had so many layers of clothing on that I could barely move. I fell down and could not get back up. Thank goodness that my cousin and grandma were there but we were all laughing so hard that they couldn’t get me up. I hope it snows this Christmas too!

Gemma Tackett

3rd Grade
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Tate Stanley

3rd Grade
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My favorite holiday tradition is something I do with my family every year. My family and I always go visit Santa at the Christmas Place. We spend the night there so he can read stories to us and we get to tell him what we want for Christmas. This tradition is very special because I get to see Santa while spending time with my family. I want to wish a Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!

My favorite Christmas tradition starts the weekend after Thanksgiving when the Christmas tree goes up. Dad always lets me and my rotten but cute little brother, Bryson, put the star on the tree. The star is gold with lights. My dad picks me up and I place the star on top. After the star is up, Bryson and I take a picture in front of the tree. I have been doing this since I was 6 months old. This is my favorite tradition because puting the star on the tree lets me know that Christmas is almost here. It is time to celebrate the reason for the season, the birth of Jesus.

Braylon Hall

4th Grade
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Kaden Spriggs

4th Grade
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Christmas to me is more than words. It’s about spending quality time with your family. It's about sharing moments with loved ones and making memories that will last a lifetime. It's about sharing thoughtful gifts and showing how appreciative you are for the loved ones in your life. Christmas is the time of year where not only do we spend time with families but celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas means to me the happiest time for family, and friends. My birthday is almost on Christmas so I get more gifts and sometimes I get more than my sister and brothers so don’t tell. My mom and dad make good food for Christmas. I wish I could catch Santa but I don't know how. Sometimes I leave food for Santa but he always leaves a mess on the table.

Addison Gutmans

4th Grade
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Colton Tackett

5th Grade
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A Christmas wish that I would like to be granted, would be for my dad’s job to require less work from him. He leaves the house really in the early morning hours and does not get home until late at night. There is not much time for us to be together. I wish he could spend more time with our family instead of working, especially on Christmas.

If I had one wish for Christmas I would wish that someone would find a way to stop the spread of Covid19. Kentucky has lost almost 10,000 people from this disease. I don't want more people to catch Covid and something bad happen to them. We are losing our loved ones because of this preventable disease.

Miley Moore

5th Grade
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McKinley Tackett

5th Grade
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If I could grant one wish, it would be for my great aunt to be happy again. Ever since her son died six years ago she has not been wanting to come celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving with us. The holidays make her sad and miss him more, so if I could grant one wish it would be for her to have a happy Christmas with her family.

Abigail Taylor 5th Grade

If I could have one Christmas wish, I would wish for my three foster sisters to officially be adopted into our family. I love spending time with them and having them in our house. We might fight sometimes, but I still love them very much. They already are my sisters, but I would like them to be officially adopted.

Abigail Taylor

5th Grade
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Katelynn Taylor

6th Grade
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If I could grant one wish I would wish for a cure. Something that would heal a person entirely, taking their sorrow as well as their tears. Turning it into a beautiful melody that will no longer torment and tarnish the human mind. A cure that could be undeniable happiness and love. A peace that comforts. A true clarity. My wish is to cure the heart completely.

If I could grant a wish for Christmas it would be for everyone to receive a gift and a hot meal. This would include those who can’t afford extravagant gifts and big dinners, and those working during the holidays. I think everyone should receive gifts on Christmas, and I think people who are having dinner should deliver some warm meals to the local healthcare workers and the less fortunate in the community. I hope that when people are cooking their dinners and wrapping their presents this year that they think of those without.

Tailey Little

6th Grade
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Maddy Engle

6th Grade
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If I could have one wish for Christmas I would wish for a big snow! I would like a white Christmas because my family and I love spending time together in the snow. We have snowball fights, sled together, and make snow angels. My family loves the outdoors, so if we get a white Christmas it would mean a lot to us. We could do all the fun things we love and make memories together. That is why I wish for a big snow.

It was Christmas eve at my Nonna’s, everyone was in the living room opening their gifts. I had opened all my gifts, but one remained. It was a square shaped present. It felt like a picture frame, and of course when I tore into the paper it was a framed note. The note read, “Merry Christmas from Paw.” I instantly broke into tears. A few years before I had lost my papaw during Christmas dinner. I was very close with my papaw. That was the best gift I’ve ever received.

Taegan Stewart

7th Grade
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Dylan Stumbo

7th Grade
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The best gift I have ever received was the 12 gauge shotgun that used to belong to my great grandpa. My pap on my mom’s side tracked it down and bought it for me. This meant a lot to me because my great grandpa taught my family so much, but I was too young to remember much about him. My dad and uncle both shot that gun in shooting matches, so I wouldn’t trade that gun for the world. It was the best gift.

My message for frontline heroes this season is that you are truly amazing. It takes true dedication to working through the holidays like you do, especially over two years when our hospitals are filled with extremely sick COVID patients. Instead of being home spending Christmas with your family, you make the sacrifice to stay at work and take care of those who are sick and may not have anyone by their side. You inspire me to be genuine in the profession I want to pursue. The love and care that you have for taking care of the sick during the holidays is ultimately the best Christmas gift ever. Thank you for your service and Merry Christmas.

Miley Thornsbury

8th Grade
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Spring Adams

8th Grade
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The best gift I ever received was in December of last year. My mother and father told me to get in the truck that he had to go get something. It was about a two-hour drive and my older sister kept laughing saying “you're gonna love this.” I was confused because I wasn't getting anything. A lady comes up to the truck and says, “Are you here for him?” My parents said yes. The lady goes to the vehicle and comes back with a Saint Bernard puppy. We were taking him home and he was all mine! On our way to our house, we stopped at the store to get him some stuff and people kept coming up to us asking to pet him and saying he was so cute. That's when I decided to call him Romeo. So December 2019 was the best Christmas ever.

Dear Covid Patients,

Although you can't be with your family, they are still looking after you and still looking for what you might want for Christmas. You may feel alone but you’re not. You have a lot of people praying for you and a lot of doctors working to make sure you survive this virus. Christmas might be your favorite holiday so hold on to the joy you get on Christmas. Hold on to the hope that you may one day get rid of COVID and experience that joy again.

Keilee Mullins

8th Grade
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Brooklyn Goble

8th Grade
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The best gift I have ever received was from my great grandmother. She gave me her favorite pairs of earrings, one diamond and one pearl set. She later gave me the matching broaches. She soon told me the story behind her earrings and the broach her husband, who died in the early 80’s he gave her them on their wedding day they were his mothers, to this day I still have them and I wear them every Christmas.

Each year all of my family comes together to read one Christmas book that we read every Christmas Eve. It's called “The Christmas Carol '' and it’s about this one little elf that has to give a present to a little boy in the woods, and it talks about how he gets there to where the little boy is. We have read it ever since my sister's first Christmas because we went to the library daily. When my sister saw this really colorful book that was named “The Christmas Carol,'' she would not let us leave without checking it out. ' Ever since then we have read it every Christmas Eve. We also open one gift that usually has pajamas in it so we can wear it on Christmas Day. After we have opened our present we make some cookies for our neighbors, ourselves, and for Santa.

Marisol Rivera

8th Grade
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Damian Cotton

8th Grade
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The best gift I have ever received was in 2019. My sister, at the time, lived in California and didn’t have enough money to come see me on Christmas, or at least that is what I was told. That night I went to sleep and woke up the next morning to my beautiful sister standing by the tree. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug for a solid 3 minutes. Spending time with my family is always important but as my family gets older and moves away I appreciate them and miss them more than ever. That was the best Christmas surprise I have ever received.

Most kids on Christmas are consumed with thoughts about Santa and what gifts will be left under the tree. But I'm different. All I can think about are the children in the hospitals that cannot come home for the holidays. Especially those who are consumed with COVID because of the brutal pandemic. This year when I'm opening my gifts I just wish all the sick kids could go home for Christmas along with our front-line heroes that sacrifice their Christmas to help those in need. This year more than ever, I realize how lucky I am that I get to spend Christmas with my entire family.

Hannah Ray

8th Grade
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Bradley Tackett

5th Grade

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