Prestonsburg High School

Ricky Thacker, Principal
James T. Allen, Assistant Principal
Brandon Kidd, Assistant Principal
School Coordinator

Hannah Jarrell
Overall School Winner
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The Best Gift I Have Ever Received

The best gift I have ever received is definitely the gift of a Savior. Being a Christian, my family and I celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ during Christmas. This gift has changed my life for the better and has opened my eyes to many things. I will always do my best to remember the reason for the season and how blessed I am to have received such an undeserving gift.

What Christmas Means to Me

Christmas is hot chocolate on a cold, magical day. Christmas is glitter wrapped surprises under the colorful, lit tree. Christmas is shiny, white snow on the green grass outside. Christmas is the day my Savior was born.

The Best Part About Christmas

The best part about Christmas every year is spending time with my family. This is better than any present I’ve ever received. During Christmas time we all finally have a break from school and life to just enjoy spending time with one another. From watching Christmas movies, making cookies altogether to opening presents on Christmas day, I will never forget these memories.

If I Could Grant One Wish

Christmas time for my family has been very touchy since the passing of my mamaw in 2015. She was the rock of the family along with the jokester that made every function a true party. Christmas dinner was always a blast with her homemade potato salad and her corny jokes. If I could grant one wish for my family for Christmas, it would be to have one more Christmas dinner with my mamaw. Christmas hasn't been the same without her or her crazy joking ways.

Grant Stratton
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What Christmas Means to Me

Christmas isn't about the presents under the tree or even the food prepared for dinner. Christmas is about family and those you spend time with. It’s also about remembering those you have lost and the memories you shared with them during the holidays. It's also a great time to make new memories with those you still have. Christmas is my favorite time of the year because I get to spend time with those I love and don't see very often. After all, it is the most wonderful time of the year.

What Christmas Means to Me

The sparkling of Christmas lights and the eyes of those who open their wrapped gifts. The singing of Christmas carols and the stories of the true meaning of Christmas. The prayer of thanking God for birthing his precious son on Christmas Day to allow me to celebrate the holiday. The time spent with family and friends while wrapped around the Christmas tree. There are many different meanings of Christmas, but this is what it means to me.

Madison Hicks
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Trenton Parsons
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Christmas with Family

I always remember waking up Christmas morning and going into the living room for all the presents and family. I would see my brother and was so glad he was there for the day. Then, I would tear open presents in excitement and thank my mother and brother for all of them. Next, we would all gather up to eat and try not to laugh as I ate my delicious food.

A Favorite Christmas Memory

As soon as I opened my eyes and looked outside the window, it was white outside. This may be normal to most kids in Kentucky, but for a kid like me who has only been in The United States for two years, it was the first time I had ever seen snow. This made my inner child so happy. It’s a white Christmas. It’s snowing on one of the best days of the whole year! My family went outside and did activities like people do in movies: making snow angels and building a snowman. We felt like the young kids we used to be, enjoying life.

The Best Christmas Gift I Have Ever Received

The best gift I have ever received on Christmas would be my cousin Hadley. Hadley was born on Christmas Eve eight years ago and has definitely been the best present I have ever received. She is my best friend, and the best part of my day is when I Facetime her every night. Hadley lives 2 hours away from me, so I don't get to see her as often as I would like to. Hadley is so funny and can make anyone laugh, even on their worst days.

Christmas to Me

Christmas to me is spending time with friends and family, celebrating the birth of Jesus, and giving to those you love! Although receiving gifts may be fun and exciting, my favorite part of Christmas is watching my loved one’s eyes light up when they open a gift they love! It’s also very important to give to those who are in need at Christmas! I love volunteering at homeless shelters and helping kids in need, especially around the holidays!

Lauryn McCoy
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Hailey Gooden
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What Christmas Means to Me

Christmas is a time to be with family and friends. Christmas is a time to remember and reflect on everything that’s happened this year. Christmas is a time to eat amazing food, decorate, and do family traditions such as decorating a christmas tree. To me, the best part of Christmas is lighting a candle, making cookies, and watching a Christmas movie. (My personal favorite is Elf.) Whatever Christmas may mean to you, make it the best.

My Christmas Wish

If I could have one wish for Christmas, it would be that all of the brave men and women fighting for our country would be able to be home for Christmas. Sometimes, I think everyone takes their freedom for granted and forgets that we get that freedom from all of the fearless men and women. This year while everyone is home in a warm house cuddled up with their families doing their favorite Christmas festivities, remember those who are putting their lives on the line for the freedom we have today. John 15:13 states, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends.” As you lay your head down at night say a little prayer for all of the brave souls and their families. Thank you for your service and Merry Christmas!

Kadynce Hackworth
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Will Narin
School winner
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