Floyd Central High School

Greta Thornsberry, Principal
Cynthia Turner, Assistant Principal
Sonya Slone, School Coordinator

One of my favorite Christmas memories was a surprise the night before the 25th in 2017. My family and I gathered around a bridge with lyrics to Joy to the World and Star of Bethlehem. We marched up to my Nan’s house and started to sing to her outside the house. We, the grandchildren, laid down twelve roses just for her. She sat wrapped up in a chair, grinning away as little snowflakes fell. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2015, and we wanted to give her a memory that would even make Santa Claus jealous. Her laughter and her hot chocolate made that freezing night extra warm.

Desirae Horn
Overall High Winner
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What does Christmas mean to me? Christmas means coming together as a family and reminiscing on happy times and memories. Gathering around the dining table, taking in the smell of the food and Christmas candles, celebrating the birth of Jesus, thanking the Lord for all the wonderful blessings we received that year, and looking forward to what the next upcoming year will hold for each of us.

If there was one wish I could grant it would be for everyone in the world to come together and quit arguing so much. I feel like in today’s world this is way too much negativity and war. If everyone could get along, our world would stop the hate. We would do something for one another. People in our world want to argue over things like who is the better president, what difference our skin color makes, or if we are rich or poor. If all this would stop then we would be a light to one another.

Katelyn Shortridge
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A gift that I would declare the best I’ve ever received is a heart necklace. The necklace was bought in 2010 by my mom and was given to me in 2019 on Christmas Day. My mom waited to give me the necklace until I understood the meaning. The meaning being that her heart was always missing something until I was born. So thank you mommy for everything.

One person I want to spend Christmas with is my father. I haven’t spent Christmas with him in six years due to him passing away from lung cancer. I just want to sit around the tree with him and open gifts like a normal family. I want to open stockings, watch movies, and drink hot chocolate with him. If heaven had visiting hours during Christmas, I would be up there with him opening gifts. I wish I could hear his laugh again while opening funny gifts.

Madison Lawson
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The smell of freshly baked cookies and hot chocolate in the air; the sound of Christmas music; laughter from each family member; cool Christmas breeze; snow falling on my face are all things that most people think of when they think of Christmas memories. However, to me, Christmas is a way to not only have a great time with family, but a time to bond with many others. Christmas is about showing love and respect towards many other people. Christmas is a way to give and help others who may be having a hard time. To me, Christmas also means donating to help others in need. This is what Christmas means to me.

I would want to spend Christmas with the grandfather I never got to meet. He died three months before I was born, so there’s a chance he did know about me. Even though I never met him, I know he is watching over me and is proud of who I’ve become. I would do anything just to know what he sounded like or as weird as it sounds, I’d love to know what he smelled like because everyone has his own scent. So, if I could spend Christmas with anyone it would definitely be with him.

Trynaty Hicks
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Skylar Paige
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Covid has made a huge impact on the entirety of the human population. It has, for me at least, made holidays and family time less frequent/guaranteed. However, what I can and have always been able to depend on are our Christmas traditions. This includes the singing of Christmas songs, decorating the tree together, and having “Santa” give out the younger children's presents. However, the most important tradition to me takes place during the gathering at my great grandmother's house and making candy with all of the family. No matter what we all went through that year, any personal troubles, ect. everyone knew there was always a place at granny's house to enjoy quality family time making treats. I plan on carrying on this tradition long after my sweet great grandmother passes.

If I could grant one wish it would be to give everyone around the world someone who loves and cherishes them. I would wish this because not everyone has those two things. I think everyone needs love even though it isn’t like water or air, it’s something we need because human interaction is great and it makes you feel safe and happy. Love is amazing but it isn’t as widespread as hate and violence. WE NEED MORE LOVE!

Matthew Johnson
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A funny experience that always swirls through my mind during the holidays is the Christmas reunion that my family hosted in 2017. Forty plus relatives came to celebrate with us. Every reunion, we do a Chinese Gift Exchange with a $10 spending limit. That year, my cousin Trent chose his random gift and it was a rather large and unflattering pair of Elf Underclothes. The instant he pulled them out of the bag, everyone absolutely lost it. We all laughed hysterically for a few minutes before the next exchange and that person actually took them from him. We didn’t get to have the reunion last year, but I look forward to reminiscing with my family this year.

If I could grant one wish, I would wish for all soldiers to be present with their families throughout Christmas. As hard as it is being deployed, having to move across the country and adapting to changes constantly as a military family and as a soldier, I know that it is even harder throughout the holidays without them because a piece of your heart is putting their life on the line everyday for your freedom. I’d wish for this to also give the soldiers excitement to come home to their families to give them peace and to help them make memories with their loved ones that they barely get to see. I can’t imagine not being with my family on Christmas, and I’d never want to spend a holiday without them.

Kennedy Harvel
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Emily Spears
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One of my favorite Christmas memories was last year on Christmas Eve night. My family and I had just gotten done opening presents at my house, and we were preparing to go to my grandparents. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always snow on Christmas in Kentucky, but last year we got lucky and it did. So since it poured the snow, the roads were covered and very unsafe to drive a car on. Therefore, we had to drive side by side up to my grandparents. We all bundled up and packed the presents in garbage bags. The drive was so cold and hectic but I loved every minute of it. We laughed till we couldn’t breathe while being able to take in the gorgeous, white snow. It was a beautiful moment, and for sure, one of my favorite Christmas memories.