Mr. Sivils


Quick Info

I am in room 513

My email is:

My extension is: 9267



About me

I have been at the Bluff since 2017 and I love it here! I have had the pleasure of teaching World Geography every year that I’ve been here! I will also be teaching Sociology which I’m super excited to teach. I have also taught all the subjects of Social Studies 7th-12th grade, so I can help with anything. 

World Geography isn’t just maps and coloring anymore. We will be learning about human cultures and how physical geography has shaped their history. We will be going over a lot of awesome information that will help you in future social studies classes.

Sociology is the study of human interaction with their environment and with other people. We will talk about your development into adulthood. Other topics are Sociology of Economics, Sports, Education, and more! It will be fun and fast paced so buckle up!


I will post everything through google classroom so if you are missing assignments that is the best place to start. Emailing me at the .net email above is the best way to contact me. Please fill free to ask questions I'm always here to help!