Mrs. Keyes


Howdy!! This is year number 38 as an educator at Flour Bluff ISD.  I am teaching Geometry and Statistics this year. I am also the  sponsor for the UIL Math and Calculator Team. I am a Flour Bluff Bluff graduate and have two children who also graduated from Flour Bluff High School.  I enjoy reading, cooking, hiking, swimming, camping and kayaking.

Geometry Overview

Welcome to Geometry!  I have taught Geometry for about 25 years.  It has become a passion of mine. Geometry has a prerequisite of Algebra I.  You are expected to use Algebra to solve geometric problems. Geometry will include Introduction to Geometry, Lines, Angles, Transformations, Triangles, Similarity, Polygons, Circles, Properties of Two & Three-Dimensional Figures, and Probability. 

Statistics Overview

I am really excited to be teaching statistics again this year.  The  purpose of this course is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data.   It is useful many fields of study. 


