District Resources

District Resources

The offers of free eLearning products have been pouring in. Please remember the delicate balance of providing access to resources while keeping the integrity of student data privacy. Please refrain from accessing new or “free” eLearning options. We have discovered that many so-called "free" sites are crashing due to high volume, and they are free for a limited time, only. After that, a paid version is required and malware/ransomware/phishing links are embedded within many of them. Please use the list below:

eLearning Approved District Resources:

    1. Classlink (FUFSD Portal)

    2. Google Drive

    3. Google Hangouts/Meet

    4. Google Classroom

    5. Gmail

    6. STEMScopes

    7. Screencastify

    8. Edpuzzle

    9. BrainPOP/BrainPOP Jr

    10. Discovery Education

    11. eSpark

    12. Everfi

    13. Castle Learning

    14. Raz kids

    15. Nearpod

    16. Kami

    17. Kahoot

    18. Flipgrid (Nearpod added this feature as an activity.)

    19. Read & Write

    20. Equatio

    21. Turnitin

    22. OU BOCES Library Databases

    23. Sora

    24. Noodle Tools

    25. STEMScopes

    26. Naviance

    27. NWEA