Johnsonville Public Library

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Did you know SCLENDS is a consortium of South Carolina libraries? SCLENDS cardholders are able to use a single catalog to access over 2.75 million items from our 20 member library systems. A shared courier service allows items to move from library to library at no cost to you!

Looking for FREE e-books or audiobooks to enjoy on your Kindle, iPad, tablet, or phone?  Take a look at our

Call 843-386-2052 or come by the library for tech assistance.

Discus provides all South Carolinians with access to an electronic library of essential information resources. This set of core resources is made available to every citizen through South Carolina's school, college and public libraries. Discus ensures equal access to information and learning resources regardless of race or socio-economic status.

Community Assistance

Search and connect to support. Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help starts here: