
Upcoming Events

Past Events

2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

  • Respect For All Week 2021

  • How to be an ally against hate?

  • Us vs. Hate Forum

  • Stop AAPI Hate Forum

  • Letter of Love

Respect For All Week 2021

During Respect For All Week, students were taught the concepts of microaggressions to raise awareness. Students participated in the discussion by answering the question "How to be an ally against hate ?". No Place For Hate provided a digital Jamboard to record our student's statements. FLHS students also had the opportunity to play a game on Kahoot based on the Pyramid Of Hate and Microaggressions.

How to be an Ally Against Hate?

Students from grades 9-12 were given the opportunity to write down a statement on the topic of preventing hate. Every statement was put together to form the heart of love and positivity.

Us vs. Hate Forum

Hosted by No Place For Hate & Coalition Z Club

No Place For Hate and Coalition Z collaborated and hosted a workshop called Us vs. Hate. Us vs. Hate allowed students to discuss the issues of microaggressions, hate crimes, and the impact on the community. Together both clubs created solutions in addressing these issues.

Stop AAPI Forum

Copy of Open Forum: Stop AAPI Hate

Hosted by No Place For Hate & Coalition Z

Words can save lives!

Letters of Love to Our Senior Community

Due to Covid-19, it has devastated many homes and families. Many of us have been isolated from friends, family, and school. Many senior citizens are shut-in and experiencing loneliness and isolation. No Place for Hate Club creates the opportunity for FLHS student to write handwritten letters to senior citizens that live in nursing homes, to support our senior community and share kindness.

Many thanks to all of our students for participating in making the world a better place!