Understanding that a school district is a direct reflection of the community it serves, the school board and leadership team of Frankton-Lapel Community Schools is committed to a facility planning strategy that reflects the priorities of the taxpayers and meets the needs of our students and communities.
To ensure future facility decisions make sense for students, are fiscally responsible, and have community support, our commitment to the residents of FLCS will include expanded communication with District residents:
Community Listening Sessions (see below)
Community Advisory Task Force (see below)
Staff Ideation
Community Survey
As this process continues, we will share this information on this website, district emails, social media, and more.
We’d like to offer two opportunities to our community to lend their voice to our ongoing facility planning process at Frankton-Lapel Community Schools.
Join one or both opportunities depending on your availability and desired commitment.
Community Listening Sessions
These sessions are opportunities to LISTEN to our community and GATHER your feedback for future decision-making regarding FLCS facility needs. At these meetings we will provide a Phase 1 update (storm damage), high level facility assessment information, and gather input from attendees. All input gathered will be shared with district leadership after each session.
Session #1: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM at Frankton Elementary SchoolSession #2: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM at Lapel Elementary School
Community Advisory Task Force
The Community Advisory Task Force is a dedicated group of community members focused on delivering their insight and input to the FLCS School Board as the board plans for the future of our schools. During these meetings, this team will cover the following:
Demographics, assessment of facilities, educational environments, facility tours, financial health of the district, and more!
We are grateful to our community members for being a part of this process and providing input for the District to consider as we explore the options for moving forward with our facility planning.
Through a series of nine meetings in February - May, help us prioritize potential long-term and fiscally responsible solutions for the District. Your input will help guide the School Board as it relates to developing a long-term District facility master plan. This is a short commitment with a big impact. Learn more and sign up today!
Task Force Meeting Highlights