Phys Ed

Hi all!

We hope you are well. It’s important during this stressful time to have an outlet for that stress and to keep yourself healthy. Each week, we will be sending you suggestions for daily exercise routines.

To start, here are some common sense and easy ways to keep moving:

If you are not under quarantine and can leave your house -

- Get outside for a brisk 20-30 minute walk. Put on your favorite tunes, swing your arms and get your

heart pumping.

- If you love to run, go out for a run to keep your muscles and joints limber.

- Pull out your bike and go for a ride. Remember to ride safely - wear a helmet!

Whether or not you are under quarantine -.

- If you have exercise equipment at home - such as a treadmill, stationary bike, etc., USE IT. Wipe it down with sanitizing wipes after each use.

- Run up and down the steps in your house or apartment building as often as you can.

- Stretch - stand up, raise your arms high in the air and fold over to touch the ground. Rise up with a flat back. Your back will thank you for this!

Remember to fuel your body by eating well, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep.

We are here for you if you have questions or suggestions.

With Hashem’s help, we will get through this and be back at school very soon!

Be well!

Coaches Gelber, Gurock, Dweck & Stern

Week 1 Video