
Washington County Libraries are offering modified services during the COVID-19 closure. Residents can call any branch librray and sign up for a new library card. Your library card will give online access to eBooks and audiobooks 24/7! Curbside service is also available for items you put on hold. Find out more at

Audible Stories by Amazon

Dozens of free audiobooks for all ages.

Free access to thousands of ebooks for students. Great selection of animal, sports and other nonfiction titles!

Pre-K through 8th grade

5th through 12th grade

Epic is offering FREE Remote Student Access through the end of the school year (June 30th, 2020). Contact your teacher for a classroom code for access to over 40,000 ebooks, videos, and quizzes.

Currently free and no account required. Perfect for middle and high school students.

JLG is offering free access to their Online Reading Platform. Readers have unlimited access to read books online from any device. Titles enter and exit the digital stream regularly, so there are always new titles available! Click on the link above to access digital streams for Elementary, Middle and High School students.

A small selection of free ebooks for 6th-12th grade students. Books are available for a limited time and new titles will be offered monthly.

This weekly serial (no, not cereal!) is about middle schooler Aiden Tyler. A typical kid whose life is about to be turned upside down by the Coronavirus. Aiden Tyler, Quaran-teen is a new serial written and read by author Rex Ogle. That means as YOU experience things, Aiden will be experiencing them too. Join every Tuesday as Rex shares Aiden's story that's full of laughs, facts, hearts, and farts. Target audience is grades 4-8 but all are welcome!

School Library Journal has curated a list of webcomics for middle and high school students. Just click on the webcomic title to access the comic!