Reading Fluency

Fix the Labels 


TARGET SKILLS: Reading Fluency

On index cards, make labels for items in your home. Place the labels in all the wrong places. (This activity may be more fun if your child has initially labeled the items correctly the day or week before.) When your child notices the mixed-up labels, ask him or her to place them in the correct spot. 

Choral Reading 


TARGET SKILLS: Reading Accuracy

Read sentences and stories as your child reads along. 

Breakfast of Champion Readers 


TARGET SKILLS: Reading Fluency 

As your child eats breakfast, have him or her identify as many words on a cereal box as possible. Begin on the front of the box. Ask, for example, "Where does it say Fruity Flakes?" or "What is the name of the cereal?" Have your child read the words as he or she finds them. Then move to the back of the box and then to the left side. To keep score, have your child take one piece of cereal out of the box for each word identified correctly. Your child can try to improve his or her score each week.