Forest Lake Area Schools Educational Resources

Site Purpose: To provide educational resources for our community as we strive to reinforce new skills and review and practice challenging concepts. 

Reading & Writing Support


 I understand what I read.


I can sound out and read words.

Phonological Awareness

I can hear sounds in words.

Reading Fluency

I can read accurately and with expression, not too fast and not too slow. 

Monthly Calendar Prompts

Support your learner with daily writing prompts from Lakeshore Learning.

Free online read aloud books  

Story Jumper

Unite Literacy

Story Book Online

Math Support

Number Talks

Have your child lead you through a Number Talk using the image here. This activity strengthens fact fluency, promotes problem solving strategies, and builds strong mental math skills. 

Number Talks are used in all K-6 Math Classrooms 2-3 days per week. 

Math Puzzles & Challenges

Online Sudoku Puzzles

Math Pattern Puzzle

District Supported Resources & Websites 

Login Required Through Clever

Kindergarten-5th Grade

Kindergarten-6th Grade

4th-6th Grade

Kindergarten-6th Grade

Click Log In with Google and students will use their Gmail address and password. 

Additional Learning Sites 

(No Log In Required)

Choose your grade level and walk through interactive math lessons and support.

Math Antics has multiple math videos describing math concepts and processes. 

Room Recess has free math and reading games.