Flandreau Indian School
The purpose of Flandreau Indian School Reset is to give you tools to use that will help you get into right body and mind for optimal learning. There are times that all people can be in a state that makes it difficult for learning. This resource is to bring you into a calm, alert mindset to increase success in your education and personal life.
Why do we struggle at times with learning?
There are many different things that can cause us to struggle with learning. Sometimes it is that we are tired because maybe we didn't get enough sleep the night before. It could be that we struggle in a subject and/or find it boring. Or maybe we had an argument with a friend or family member that has thrown us off for learning. When we get thrown off in education or life it can be difficult to concentrate, have energy, and motivation. We can also deal with feelings of sadness, anger, fear, depression, and anxiety that can keep us from the goals that we have in front of us. The Resets will help bring us back to a relaxed, alert state in our life.
How does a reset help with this?
The idea of the reset is to bring our bodies into an area of optimal learning. Our emotions, fears, and mental states all start with the body. Our bodies let us know if we are safe to accomplish our goals or in a state of fear and survival. By bringing the body into a safe, calm, clear, confident state, we have the ability to be successful.
The resets focus on where you are right now and move you in the right direction. If you are in an agitated, angry, high energy, or anxiety state, a reset can help you calm your body and mind. If you are in a low energy, foggy, low motivation, depressed state, a reset can help build energy and focus. The resets are broken into Breath, Visual, Auditory, Body/Movement, and Advanced Reset practices that will range from 2 to 5 minutes. I hope you find these audio and video's helpful.
**Some resets might not work for you. The idea is to try as many resets as you can until you find 3 or 4 that works well for you**